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My Top 5 Weight Loss Myths Busted!

I'd like to address some of the myths surrounding weight loss. There's so much information out there it becomes very confusing and let's face it, it's just frustrating! You start eating something you believe to be healthy and beneficial to your weight loss goals then 2 weeks later you read on Facebook that you've been completely wasting your time/money! We've all been there. So hear goes, my top 5 weight loss myths busted!


Myth 1

The less you eat the better

There are several things wrong with this logic - If you drastically reduce your calorie intake you will most likely put your body into a state known as ‘starvation mode’ this dates back to neolithic times when food was scarce so the human body cleverly adapted to store calories as fat (clever for the neanderthals not so clever for us!) Not only will you store more fat but your body will also be low on energy, which could cause you to crave high sugar, high fat foods. Another problem with this approach is that it’s just too difficult to maintain for any length of time, setting yourself up to fail right from the start.

Myth 2

Eating fats makes you fat

Eating fat will not make you fat! Eating more calories than you are burning will. You could eat nothing but chicken and broccoli but if you are eating too much of it the excess calories will be stored as fat. To start a healthy and effective weight loss diet you must first know your calorie base rate (the amount of calories your body needs to function) from there safe adjustments can be made and an effective weight loss plan can be created. If this is something you would like help with drop me an email to arrange a consultation.

Myth 3

All calories are created equal

Different foods have different effects on the body. Some may help to speed up your metabolism, some help you feel fuller while others optimize weight regulating hormones. Therefore 200 calories from natural peanut butter on rye toast is not the same as 200 calories from half covered chocolate biscuits.. Sad but true!

Myth 4

Carbs make you fat

Our bodies need a good balance of protein, fat and yes, carbs. They are all nutrients and we need ALL of them to lead a healthy life. Good sources of carbs include whole wheat pasta and rice, white and sweet potatoes, quinoa, couscous and my favourite porridge oats! Refined carbs should be avoided as these are normally higher in calories and don’t make you feel as full ie. cakes, biscuits, pastries as well as refined grains like white bread. So as long as you’re staying within your daily calorie allowance you won’t store fat.

Myth 5

Weight loss is a linear journey

Weight loss like any journey has its ups and downs, twists and turns. Certain things can impact on your weight on a day to day basis. You could have more food in your digestive system from one day to the next. You might be carrying excess water. This is especially true for women at certain times of the month. For these reasons you should never weigh yourself everyday. Stick to once a week, on the same day at the same time and don’t worry too much if it’s up by a few pounds as this will undoubtedly even itself out over a course of time.

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